How Vehicle Tracking Systems (VTS) can be used to Lower Road Risk

At-work road safety

How Vehicle Tracking Systems (VTS) can be used to Lower Road Risk


What is a vehicle tracking system?

A VTS records vehicle data so that others can see what is going on with a vehicle. Vehicle tracking systems often use GLONASS or GPS technology for vehicle location but there are other technologies in use too. The information collected can be seen on online maps or software to be seen by whoever needs to see the information.

Different types of tracking systems

There are many different types of tracking systems used. Usually, these are either “active” or “passive” systems. Passive systems store vehicle data (speed, GPS location, door open/closed, key on/off, for example) and the data is then downloaded afterwards to be analysed. Some systems have automatic downloading that occurs via WiFi. Active tracking systems collect the same data but this data is usually viewable live via satellite or cellular networks. Most systems are capable of both – they can live track when cellular data is available and store data in an internal memory when there is no network availability.

Benefits for companies and organisations

Vehicle tracking gives managers and insight into what is going on in company vehicles or vehicles that are being used for work purposes. There is a lot more data available when compared with driver text and phonecall updates. Managers can see real-time locations and routing and can analyse driver behaviour too.

How tracking can be used to improve road risk

There are many advantages to tracking vehicles used for work purposes. Organisations can gain insight into how their drivers are performing on the road. This insight can help keep drivers safe and customers happy. It can also keep costs lower too.

Driver Behaviour

The data stored on tracking systems gives organisations access to information on poor driving habits. For example, you can look at how fast vehicles are travelling in specific locations, you can look at when a driver braked suddenly or turned suddenly and can view the rates of acceleration of a vehicle. This information can help companies to pinpoint any areas of concern so that they can coach drivers where necessary.

If the company can curb bad driving habits, the fleet will see fewer accidents, lower fuel expenses and longer vehicle life due to less wear and tear.

Using Data to Customise Training

Vehicle tracking systems can help organisations to break down the behaviour of their drivers that might lead to accidents. The data produced allows you to sport patterns and trends in drivers’ behaviour for each driver. If you accompany this with dashboard cameras, you’ll be able to pair this with what your drivers see when working. The information gathered can be used to produce customised training sessions for groups of drivers or individuals who have specific driving behaviours. It can also be used to praise and reward good drivers too.

Improving Vehicle Maintenance

With the right tracking system, organisations can have insight into their vehicles’ health. Vehicle tracking systems have the ability to have custom alerts and thresholds for maintenance schedules and inspections based on the readings from the vehicle’s odometer. Knowing this information means you can be ahead of the game when it comes to avoiding costly repairs.

Accident Reduction

When using VTS, it isn’t just a question of monitoring vehicle use – vehicle tracking systems also allow you to guide your drivers through unforeseen events. Often drivers have to negotiate unfamiliar locations when on the road. Unfamiliarity could increase the risk of accidents but with GPS location technology, drivers can have turn-by-turn directions so that they stay on roads that are appropriate and safe.

Complying with Regulations

Dangerous roads and fatigue together are a huge and potentially costly risk. Drivers have regulations to follow to make sure that they only work the hours they are required to work and that they get adequate rest breaks. Vehicle tracking systems can be integrated with tachographs that record driving data. The systems can also send messages and alerts to drivers as to when they need to take a break. These systems can help to reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents.

Holding Drivers Accountable

With real-time data showing information about a driver and their behaviour, organisations can really analyse the driver’s productivity and safety as well as how they are treating the vehicle they are driving e.g. the end of day parking location, idling and the hours a vehicle was used for.

Taking Care of the Fleet

Wear and tear of vehicles, speeding and accidents are all costs to bear when it comes to managing a business. With a vehicle tracking system, the software can send alerts when vehicles exceed a speed limit, which means that money can be saved on fuel costs. As well as using this to create signification fuel savings, it will also keep drivers safer as they won’t want to be going over any speed limits.

Data can also be used to look at the business’s accident rates, fuel consumption and repairs. What’s more, insurance companies often give discounts on premiums for businesses that use this technology.